Fact-Checking Policy

At marathibatamya.com, we prioritize the accuracy and credibility of the content we provide to our readers. Our fact-checking policy is designed to ensure that the information we publish is thoroughly researched, verified, and reliable. Here’s an outline for our fact-checking policy:

Commitment to Accuracy:

We are committed to delivering accurate and trustworthy news to our readers.
Our fact-checking process is an integral part of our commitment to maintaining high standards of journalism.

Fact-Checking Methodology:

Our dedicated fact-checking team rigorously investigates the factual claims and information presented in our articles.
We utilize a range of reliable sources, including primary sources, expert opinions, official documents, and reputable news organizations.
We conduct independent research and verification to corroborate the accuracy of the information before publication.

Source Evaluation:

We carefully evaluate the credibility and expertise of the sources we rely on for information.
We prioritize primary sources and seek multiple independent sources whenever possible.
We assess the track record and reputation of sources to ensure reliability and accuracy.
Transparency and Attribution:
We are transparent about the sources and evidence supporting our claims.
We clearly attribute information and quotes to their respective sources, enabling readers to evaluate the reliability of the information.

Editorial Oversight:

Our editors play a vital role in ensuring the accuracy and credibility of our content.
They review the fact-checking process, question assertions, and request additional verification when necessary.
Editors provide guidance and support to the fact-checking team, fostering a culture of accuracy and accountability.

Correction of Errors:

If errors are identified after publication, we promptly correct them according to our corrections policy
We take responsibility for any mistakes made and ensure that corrections are made transparently and prominently.
We learn from errors and use them as opportunities for continuous improvement in our fact-checking processes.

Continuous Learning and Improvement:

We invest in training our fact-checking team to stay updated on the latest fact-checking methodologies, tools, and best practices.
We encourage collaboration with other fact-checking organizations and participate in industry initiatives to enhance our fact-checking capabilities.
We welcome feedback from our readers, experts, and stakeholders to help us improve our fact-checking processes and maintain the highest level of accuracy and credibility.
Our fact-checking policy reflects our unwavering commitment to accuracy and credibility. We understand the importance of providing reliable information to our readers, and we strive to uphold the highest journalistic standards.